Saturday, November 14, 2009

Updates & tonight:

Alright, I really regret being so tardy with posting. I can't help it, too much going on in my life / in Austin all the time. Either way, I hope you guys don't get angry with me for not updating often enough. Last night was actually exceptional. I suppose I got the date wrong on my side-calendar, but I wish I had posted the Cinema 16 flier in a blog post before the night of the actual event. It was amazing -- silent films with live music scores by Sunset played over. The films were great. I suggest you delve deeper into this event and its makers who hail from Brooklyn.

Afterward, I headed over to Bollywood Night for AAAFF, which was great. My buddies DJ'ed South Asian music all night.

+ As for tonight,
ATX Converge seems like it will be amazing due to it's amazing musical line-up and sponsors (including Hornitos). I hope it's not too late to RSVP for $5 entrance -- if not it's still only 7.

ATX Converge 2009 will feature:

11:00 - Moth!Fight!
10:00 - Black Cock
9:00 - Cowabunga Babez

1:00 - La Guerrilla
12:00 - The White White Lights
10:30 - MISSIONS
9:30 - Butcher Bear and Charlie
8:30 - Capybara

DJs Hobo D + Orion

Also, check out the Asian American Film Festival Web page for what is going on with that tonight. So far, everything they have thrown has been ridiculously fun -- karaoke at Silhouette, Bollywood night..

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