Friday, October 16, 2009


Good Morning!
I just woke up, and that's not even an over-exaggeration. I just remembered having to do the ticket giveaway draw, but only about 45 minutes too late, so I figure nobody is about to boycott my blog because of this. Anyways, because I webcam-documented this so you guys all know that I am being fair in this draw instead of just picking favorites, considering some friends did apply. So I...

1. woke up
2. wrote the names on paper and put them in a bowler
3. crumpled them all up, as not to read them
4. drew a name

And the winner is....

Congrats Nathan B!
You +1 will be added onto the list at the door. I hope you have fun tonight!

1 comment:

Dual Citizen said...

YESSSSSSSSSS!!! Thank you so much Tiffany!