Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Harness the power.

So, I finally have legitimate internet. It feels weird. No more piggybacking off of the university or "gman."

Because my Facebook Events has harvested me nothing for Austin tonight, I figured it was about time to transition back into what I used to do. Two things really: look at other sources besides Fb for events and blog about other things besides just posting fliers. I suppose I had grown lackadaisical in this due to a number of reasons unimportant to you, the reader.

Ultra 8201 says:
+ Elvis Costello and The Sugarcanes are playing Bass Concert Hall, tickets are $40-70
+ Sleepy Sun, Headdress, The Delta Mirrors and Ringo Deathstarr are playing Mohawk for $10 entrance

via Peen Scene:

I know nothing of Clayton Hauck's DJ-ing skills, but his site is pretty entertaining. I wonder why the time says 10 - ??, don't bars close at 2 typically? Maybe you should go and figure that one out.

Upcoming: Neon Indian, Paul Banks and the Carousels, etc.

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