There comes a time in most of my days, weeks, months where I just get extremely tired -- physically and mentally. Anyway, enough of the lethargy. Besides good ol' Wild Life tonight at Barcelona, I am not quite sure what is going on. However, it looks like there are a couple of good shows tomorrow. First of all, Telepathe will be playing Emo's for $10. St. Vincent (who I honestly never full got into) is playing Mohawk for $13. Before, they are playing at Waterloo Records for a free in-store. You know what, Ultra8201 is really good at what they do, so I suggest you check their blog if you want to be more up-to-date with what is going on in the live music arena. They have even posted photos from the recent Grizzly Bear and Santigold concerts. Seriously, I still don't get this transformation from "o" to "i." Why? Explain this to me if you know. Photos from my latest funsaver soon. I never did find that one I lost at the White White Lights show at the Parish - sad.
Yours Truly,

Some one told me the i is supposed to make it sound more Caribbean. I don't think that's true
The person I interned for was her PR person and I think I remember him saying it was because a wrestler already had the name SantOgold and was threatening a suit.
I don't even have a full st. Vincent album, but I've somehow seen her 3 times..and she is always aaaamazing, highly recommended even if you don't know here music much. I got free tickets for tonight, so I'll be there! =)
Super stoked to Catch St. Vincent tonight. Here is a great link explaining the Santi/Santo situation. I only wish that the original Santo Gold would have released his awesome sounding movie "Santo Gold's Blood Circus".
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